Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

Inputs for curbing surging imports from China


REF. MR/CIR/2020/056                                                                                                                          19 May, 2020

To the Members of the Council

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Sub: Inputs for curbing surging imports from China

The Council has received a communication from Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry regarding surging imports especially from China.

In order to consider key intervention possibilities to enhance self-reliance and import substitution, the Ministry has sought inputs and views on the following:

Sl. No. Subject Inputs/ Views

1 Reasons of high imports from China

2 Impact of this high imports on the domestic industry

3 Use of the imported material in domestic industry and its import substitution

4 Possible interventions in order to curb high import and its impact on domestic industry

5 Any other suggestions/advice

Since the Ministry has requested the inputs urgently within today, may we request the Members to send their inputs/ views as soon as possible by around 4 pm today through email at, to help us send a consolidated reply to the Ministry within the stipulated time.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully

S. Balaraju

Executive Director