Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

Investment in MMF Textiles & Technical Textiles

Ref. MR/CIR/2024-25/0043                                                                                                                     2 August 2024
To, Members of the Council
Sub: Investment in MMF Textiles & Technical Textiles
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have received an email dated 30 July 2024 from the Ministry of Textiles seeking suggestions on how to increase Investments in the Manmade fibre textiles & Technical Textiles sector. Copy reproduced below.
We would request you to please send us your valuable suggestions on increasing Investments in the Manmade fibre textiles & Technical Textiles sector. Also, in case, you have got investment plans, kindly do share with us.
Please send us your Suggestions on the email IDs on or before 6 August 2024.
We solicit your cooperation and support in the matter and look forward towards receiving your suggestions at the earliest.
Thanking You
A Ravi Kumar
Executive Director