Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

SRTEPC at Techtextil Frankfurt in Germany during April 2024

Date: 19th June 2024

To Members of the Council, 

Sub: SRTEPC at Techtextil Frankfurt in Germany during April 2024 

Dear Sir, 

As you may be aware, the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India has assigned the role of Export Promotion of Technical Textiles to SRTEPC.   As part of its Vision & Action plan to increase exports of Technical Textiles, the Council propose to participate in leading International Exhibitions.  In this regard, the Council is planning to participate in Techtextil Frankfurt in Germany from 23 to 26 April 2024 under MAI Scheme. 

To take this forward, we would request you to please send us your “Expression of Interest” to participate in Techtextil Frankfurt in Germany during April 2024 by filling-in the enclosed "Reply Form".

Your advance input about your company's interest in participation in the above event will help the Council to organize the participation of Indian Companies in the event effectively.

For more details, please get in touch with the following SRTEPC officials: 

  • Mr. Prince Singh, Deputy Director, - Email: ; Cell: 08826798171 
  • Mrs. Ramitha Shetty, Assistant Director, E-mail: ; Cell: 09969037064 

We look forward to receiving your feedback in a duly filled in “Reply Form” soon. 

Thanking You,


A.Ravi Kumar  
Executive Director 

Encl: Reply Form (click to download) or  Online Reply Form