Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

Meeting to discuss export promotion of NEA countries

Ref. MR/CIR/2023-24/0012                                                                          16 May 2023                             


The Members of the Council


Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Meeting to discuss export promotion of NEA countries


This is to inform that the Department of Commerce (DoC), Ministry of Commerce and Industry is calling a Hybrid meeting with the Export Promotion Councils tomorrow, 17th May 2023 at 11.30 am.  DoC is also requesting 4 - 5 leading exporters dealing with the Northeast Asian countries, namely, China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan, to attend the meeting.


In view of the above, the Members of the Council who are significantly exporting to the Northeast Asian countries, are requested to participate during the Meeting with their valuable inputs. Therefore, interested Members are requested to depute an official well-versed on the subject and send his/ her email, mobile number to the Council at If you wish to send your valuable inputs/ views on the subject in advance, then please email the same to SRTEPC in the email address provided.


This information is received by the Council from the DoC in the afternoon today. Inconvenience caused due to sort notice a deeply regretted.


Thanking You.


A Ravi Kumar
Executive Director