Date: 3rd February 2023
To Members of the Council,
Sub: Invitation to participate in “Technotex 2023” from February 22nd – 24th, 2023 in Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai
Dear Member,
This has reference to our Circular dated 6th January 2023 regarding TECHNOTEX 2023. As mentioned in the Circular, TECHNOTEX is being organized by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India in association with Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) from February 22nd – 24th, 2023 in Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai.
About Technotex 2023
Technotex is one of the largest composite events of Technical Textile industry of the Asia-Pacific region. TECHNOTEX is India’s premier event on Technical Textiles. The event exemplifies the immense potential for bilateral trade, investment between India and foreign countries in Technical Textile sector in a mutually beneficial way.
Exhibitors Profile
Exhibitors from Technical Textiles sectors such as Medical Textiles, Mobil Textiles, Industrial Textiles, Eco Textiles, Geo Textiles, Home Textiles, Packaging Textiles, Protective Textiles, Sport Textiles, Agro Textiles, Construction Textiles, Clothing Textiles etc will be displaying their products in TECHNOTEX 2023.
Visitors Profile
Buyers from sectors like Automotive Sector, Medical, Health & Personal Care sector, Packaging Sector, Sports Gear, Apparel Equipment Sector, Safety products sector, Construction Sector, Oil & Gas Sector, Defence, Police, Fire Departments, Chemical Industry, Agriculture Sector etc. will be participating in TECHNOTEX 2023.
Salient Features of the event
Invitation to participate
In view of the above, we would like to invite you to participate in TECHNOTEX 2023 and benefit from the huge presence of foreign buyers from various countries. The Event will provide opportunity for both - trade and investments/joint ventures.
Participation fees are as follows:
Shell space (Min 12 : Rs.12000 psqm plus 18% GST
Bare Space (Min 27 : Rs.11000 psqm plus 18% GST.
To confirm your participation, please send us your “Reply Form (click to download)” duly filled in with all details on the e-mail Ids : ; on or before 10th February, 2023.
In case you need any further details or clarifications, please get in touch with Mr.Aishwary Jaiswal, Deputy Director (Cell : +91 91180 23531) & Mrs. Ramitha Shetty, Assistant Director
We look forward towards receiving your confirmation at the earliest.
Thanking you,
A. Ravi Kumar
Executive Director
Encl: Reply Form (click to download)