Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

RoDTEP Data for exports under Advance Authorisation Scheme

Circular No.ES/81/2022-23                                                       7th September, 2022    


To: Members of the Council    


Sub: RoDTEP Data for exports under Advance Authorisation Scheme 


Dear Member, 


As you are aware, presently the RoDTEP Scheme does not cover exports under Advance Authorisation Scheme. The Department of Revenue is considering the feasibility of covering exports against Advance Authorisation Scheme under the RoDTEP Scheme. 


In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry have informed us that the RoDTEP Committee will be examining the data that are related to Embedded Taxes on the inputs used to manufacture products that are exported under Advance Authorisation Scheme.  


You are requested to please send us the required data in the enclosed format positively on or before 15th September, 2022 on the email ids  


We solicit your support and co-operation in this matter and look forward in receiving the data at the earliest. 


Thanking you,                 


Yours faithfully,       


S. BALARAJU            



Encl : as above