Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

Request for Inputs from stakeholders on TBT and NTB for upcoming India-EU and India-Canada FTA Negotiation

Ref: MR/ CIR/ 2022-23/ 0029                                                                             Date: 18/05/2022 


To the Members of the Council 


Sir/ Madam,  


Sub: Request for Inputs from stakeholders on TBT and NTB for upcoming India-EU and India-Canada FTA Negotiation. 


As you are aware the Government of India has been negotiating with the European Union and Canada for signing Free Trade Agreements. Several rounds of discussions have already been taken place at the Ministerial level.  


In this regard, the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry is calling for inputs from the stakeholders on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Non-tariff Barriers or any other issues while exporting from India to both the European Union and Canada. 


As far as Manmade fibre and blended textiles are concerned, the EU is an annual market of around US$ 35 billion wherein India’s share is US$ 1 billion, accounting for a share of 3%. Similarly, Canada is also a large market in the NAFTA region with around US$ 3 billion of annual imports of Manmade fibre and blended textiles and India’s share in Canada is US$ 80 million, accounting for a share of around 3%. 


There is huge export potential for India in both EU and Canada. The proposed FTAs are likely to open up tremendous export opportunity from India. While negotiating the proposed FTAs, it also provides us scope for suitably addressing the issues relating to Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Non-tariff Barriers or any other issues pertaining to exports to both the European Union and Canada. 


Therefore, Members are requested to kindly send their valuable inputs/ views specifically on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Non-tariff Barriers or any other issues with regards to exporting from India to both the European Union and Canada. Inputs should be sent positively by 4 PM tomorrow, 19th May 2022 at,


Thank you.