Circular No. ES/249/2021-22 22nd February, 2022
To: Members of the Council
Sub: Webinar on "Budget 2022-23: Clarifications and suggestions"
Dear Member,
We would like to inform you that the Directorate General of Taxpayer Services (DGTS) is organizing a Webinar on "Budget 2022-23: Clarifications and suggestions". It shall focus on providing solutions to any difficulty faced by the stakeholders in respect of the Indirect Tax proposals in the Budget 2022-23.
Shri Sanjay Mangal (Pr. Commissioner, GST Policy) and Shri G. D. Lohani, JS (TRU) would reply to the queries raised by the stakeholders.
Details of the Webinar are as follows:
Date: 24th February, 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 3: 00 pm : 4:15 pm
Platform: Webex Meeting Link:
Meeting number (access code): 2515 972 4910
Meeting password: dgtps@mumbai
Members may kindly make a note of the above and avail the opportunity by attending the Webinar.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,