Circular No. ES/150/2021-22 14th September, 2021
To: Members of the Council
Sub: Invitation for Webinar on "WTO compliant export incentive scheme - RoDTEP" on 14.9.2021
Dear Member,
We would like to inform you that the Directorate General of Taxpayer Services (DGTS) - Mumbai Zonal Unit is organizing a Webinar on “WTO compliant export incentive scheme - RoDTEP".
The objective of the webinar is to discuss the modalities of the RoDTEP scheme.
A presentation by Shri Gopal Jha, Director (Drawback) who has been associated with the inception of the policy shall be followed by a Q and A session.
Details of the Webinar are as follows:
Date: 14th September, 2021 (Today)
Time: 03.00 pm onwards
Venue: Virtual Platform
Meeting link:
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2511 329 8230
Meeting password: Mumbai@customs
Members may kindly make a note of the above and avail the opportunity by attending the webinar.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,