Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20-Introduction of online Deemed Export Application Module

Circular No. ES/118/2021-22                                                                            30th July, 2021         

To: Members of the Council                 

SubForeign Trade Policy 2015-20-Introduction of online Deemed Export Application Module     

Dear Member,    

O/o DGFT has issued Trade Notice No. 12/2021-22 dated 28th July, 2021 regarding introduction of an online Deemed Exports Module on the DGFT website as a part of IT Revamp for receiving applications under the Chapter 7 of FTP 2015-20. 

Henceforth, following applications are required to be submitted online through the importer/exporter’s dashboard on the DGFT Website: 

  1. Refund of Terminal Excise Duty (TED) 

  2. Grant of Duty Drawback as per AIR and 

  3. Fixation of Brand Rate for Duty Drawback  

  • Members of trade can login to the portal, fill in the requisite details in the form, upload the necessary documents and submit the application after paying requisite fee.  

  • The system will generate a file number which can be used for tracking purposes through the portal.  

  • RAs would issue online deficiency letters calling for any additional information/document required, and the exporter would be able to reply to the deficiency letters online only.  

  • However, the applicants will have to submit the corresponding supporting physical documents as prescribed under ANF-7A to concerned RAs within 7 days of online submission of such applications for processing of the applications at RAs.  

  • This new application Module will cater to new applications filed in this regard by the applicants and old/legacy physical applications submitted earlier manually will continue to be processed manually by concerned RAs.  

  • The members of trade can file application in e-TED/DBK module through following navigation:  >>> Deemed Exports to access the new e-module. 

For guidance on these new processes, the Help manual & FAQs may be accessed at >>> Learn >>> ‘Application Help & FAQs’. For any further assistance, you may utilize any of the following channels —  

  1. Raise a service request ticket through the DGFT Helpdesk service under Services a ‘Trade Helpdesk Service’.  

  2. Call the toll-free DGFT Helpdesk number 1800111550.  

  3. Send an email to the Helpdesk on 

Members are requested to kindly make a note of the above.    

Thanking you,      

Yours faithfully,