Circular No. ES/95/2021-22 9th July, 2021
To: Members of the Council
Sub: Additional Checks for CoO Declaration in Bill of Entry
Dear Member,
JNCH has issued Public Notice No. 64/2021 dated 7th July, 2021 on the additional checks for Certificate of Origin (CoO) Declaration in Bill of Entry.
As per the instructions of the Board, a check has been put by JNCH in the System to disallow the use of the same CoO number in more than one Bill of Entry. This has been done in respect of those FTAs/PTAs which specify that a CoO shall be valid only for one import or importing operation and may include one or more goods.
In this regard, JNCH has advised the Assessing/Examining officers to match the CoO numbers given in the BE vis-à-vis the submitted CoO copy to ensure that the CoO numbers have been declared correctly in the BE. The same CoO number can, however, be given for multiple items in the same Bill of Entry. These changes will come into effect from 8th July, 2021 in the System.
For detailed information, members may kindly refer to JNCH’s Public Notice No. 64/2021.
Further, it may be informed that Mumbai Customs has also issued Public Notice No. 146/2021 dated 8th July, 2021.
Members may kindly make a note of the above and refer to the above changes for filing the Bills of Entry w.e.f. 08.07.2021.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,