Circular No. ES/441/2020-21 9th March, 2021
To: Members of the Council
Sub: Notification in relation to Land Customs Stations and routes "the river route as per the Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade between India and Bangladesh connecting Tribeni (Bandel) in India to Bangladesh" by amendment of Principal Notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.) dated 21st November, 1994
Dear Member,
CBIC has issued Notification No.27/2021- Customs (N.T.) dated 5th March, 2021 notifying the river route of ‘Hoogly’ for Trade between India & Bangladesh.
In the Table given in Notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.) dated 21′ November, 1994, against serial number 2 relating to land frontier of Bangladesh, in column (3) after item (61) and the corresponding entry relating thereto in column (4), the following entries in columns (3) and (4) shall respectively be inserted, namely:-
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
“(62) Tribeni (Bandel) in Hoogly district West Bengal |
The river route as per the Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade between India and Bangladesh connecting Tribeni (Bandel) in India to Bangladesh”. |
Members may kindly make a note of the above.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,