Manmade and Technical Textiles Export Promotion Council (MATEXIL)

TEXWORLD ISTANBUL in Turkey from 3 to 5th November, 2015




Ref: TP/Turkey/1266                                                                           Date: 13th August, 2015

TO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL                                                           

Re:  Participation in TEXWORLD ISTANBUL in Turkey from 3 to 5th November, 2015

We are glad to inform you that the Council is proposing to organize participation of its member-companies in the forthcoming TEXWORLD ISTANBUL being held at Lutfi Kirdar International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Turkey from 3 to 5th November, 2015. As you are also aware, TEXWORLD ISTANBUL is one of the renowned International Fairs in Turkey, which does attract leading buyers from all over Turkey and the neighboring countries as well. The Fair is being organized by Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Uluslararasi Fuarcilik Ltd.

Profile of the Event

TEXWORLD ISTANBUL is an important Fair for professionals from all fields of the industry. Over the past few years, fabrics imports from all over the world into Turkey have increased visibly. This is valid for raw materials and finished goods alike, and it happened parallel to the growth of the domestic market. Today's size of the Turkish market gives path to the fact that "the bigger the market, the more diverse the import basket". This also created a high demand for fabrics from new sourcing points like Asia, North Africa, South America and Eastern Europe.

Turkey has a traditionally strong and highly developed production base for almost all Industries, and it supplies many needs from domestic sources, but diversified production needs of the domestic market make import of a variety of goods necessary.

TEXWORLD, as the strongest global brand for fashion fabrics Fairs, has been closely connected to the Turkish market in terms of exhibitors and visitors since its foundation. A rollout into the Turkish market is logical, as Turkey has one of the strongest global textile industries. The specific structure of TEXWORLD and the strength of the brand in developing markets make it an advantageous project-idea for markets with increased import needs from global production bases. 

Why to participate in TEXWORLD ISTANBUL?

  • Istanbul is today the most important Business Hub of the Region.
  • Turkey enjoys Visa-free travel regulations with many countries
  • The city and the country are strategic locations for textile and clothing manufacturing
  • Istanbul and many other cities in Turkey became centers of excellence for textile design
  • Turkish market shows year by year growing demand for imports of raw materials and fabrics
  • The Fair has the potential to become the unique purchasing point in the region

Market Potential

  • Turkey imported US$ 13 billion of textiles and clothing during 2014 from various markets.
  • However, Turkey‘s import of textile and clothing from India during 2014 was a meager US$ 1.03 billion (just 8% only). So, there is huge scope for us to expand our current trade.
  • Turkey’s import of Man-made fibre textiles from the Global market in 2014 was US$ 6 Billion. However, import of man-made fibre textiles by Turkey from India was only US$ 650 million --- accounting for 9% of its total import of MMF textiles in 2014.
  • Product shares in India’s export of MMF textiles to Turkey are Fabrics 2% (US$ 12.35 Mn), Made-ups 3% (US$ 14.44 Mn), Yarn 86% (US$ 489.48 Mn) and Fibre 10% (US$ 54.06)
  • Main MMF textile items imported by Turkey from India include Polyester Filament fabrics, Polyester Blended fabrics, Polyester Viscose fabrics, Polyester Filament Yarn, P/V Yarn, Shawls/scarves, Muffler, etc.        
  • Major countries supplying MMF textiles to Turkey are Indonesia, India, China, Vietnam, Germany, etc.

Visitors Profile

Garment manufacturers, textile Retailers and wholesalers, large-scale retailing, & Chain/Department stores, Designers, private Label Producers, and Buying Officers & Sales Representatives.

Visitors Promotion (Publicity)

The Event will be extensively publicized by the Organizers -- M/s. Messe Frankfurt Istanbul Uluslararasi Fuarcilik Ltd. through Visitors Promotion Campaign – by direct mail, Trade Magazines, Daily Press, Tele-marketing, VIP Schedule, Trade Associations and Public Relations for inviting top-notch buyers of textiles to visit and discuss business with participating member-companies in this highly reputed International Fair.

Additional Publicity by SRTEPC for promoting trade of member-participants

As an additional support for SRTEPC member-participants in the Fair, the Council proposes to publicize their product and company profiles by designing & printing a separate “Exhibitors Catalogue”.  Furthermore, the Council also proposes to promote participation of its member-companies to their target Buyers through e-mail marketing, and by sending separate invitations for visiting them during the Fair.

Besides the above, The Council will recommend for visa to representatives (not more than two) for attending the Exhibition, and also assist in booking hotel accommodation.  The Council will also compile a special “Dossier on Turkey” to enable prospective member-companies to understand the market & its prospective buyers better. 

Participation Fee

An amount of Rs.3.62 lakhs towards participation fee/charge has been fixed for each participating company for a standard furnished booth of 12 sqm.   It may be noted that this amount of participation fee does not include expenses relating to hotel accommodation, air-ticket of the representatives etc.

Early Bird discount

An Early Bird Discount of Rs.10,000/- will be offered (on the participation charge) to those confirming their participations with a non-refundable part payment of participation fee of Rs.1.50 lakhs alongwith the dully filled in SRTEPC Application Form on or before 29th August, 2015.  The balance final payment towards participation charge may be sent on or before the last date on 10th September, 2015 to confirm participation in the Fair.  It may be noted that this discount will not be available to anyone after 29th August, 2015 under any circumstances.

Market Development Assistance (MDA): Since the above Programme in Turkey is approved by the Government of the India for the participants to claim MDA benefits, considering limited fund availability from the Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, only 10 eligible member-companies will be offered re-imbursements of MDA Grant of Rs.1.25 Lakhs, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions on “First-Come-First-Served” basis.  For more details, members may like to contact the Council in the matter.

Cancellation Policy: Withdrawal of participation from the above Exhibition will be decided by the Cancellation Policy of the Organizers of the Fair.

How to apply:  Members of the Council, who are interested in participating in TEXWORLD ISTANBUL Fair, are requested to send their filled-in enclosed “SRTEPC Application Form” to the Council along with a Cheque/DD of Rs.1.50 lakhs for the part payment towards participation charge.  The Cheque/DD is to be drawn in favour of “The Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council, Mumbai” (Companies outside Mumbai shall make the payment by DD only) at the earliest but not later than 29th August, 2015.   Also attached herewith, please find the Forms – containing Organizer’s the ‘Application Form’ & ‘Who are you’ Form sent by the Organizers, which you need to fill in the same, and return it to us with seal & sign for co-ordination with the Organizers.  Please note, no application for participation in the above Fair will be accepted on expiry of 10th September, 2015, as the Council is to finalize booking of booths for its member-companies with the Organizers of the Fair very soon.  In order to save time, members may also like to transfer the necessary fund to the Council through RTGS (for details, please see Reply Form). Members may please note that considering limited space availability, participation will be accepted by the Council on ‘First-Come-First-Served’ Basis, and no application will accordingly be considered for participation on the expiry of the above deadline.

Awaiting your confirmation soon.




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